We gotta do this ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿพ Free Playshop ๐ŸŽจ

I'm excited! Cohort #2 of the Video Mojo Creativity Sandbox is producing (no kidding) life-changing results for the participants. I'm so stoked. I want more. So, I created a Pop-up Playshop for this Friday and Cohort #3 of the Sandbox.

Free Playshop This Friday, 10am PT

๐Ÿš‰ The train is leaving the station. All aboard! ๐Ÿšž
AI is a true game changer. Video amplifies your humanity (when you use it well). Now is the time to get involved through play and experimentation. I created this Playshop because I want to make sure you don't get left behind!

My superpower is having fun with these leading-edge, tech-enabled ways to communicate, be creative, and build community. In this interactive, experiential playshop, I will share my latest perspectives and insights while also leading you in interactive exercises. You will leave with actionable insights and have fun along the way (as long as you're willing to play). Please come ON TIME.

A NEW Cohort to Help You Expand Your
Joyous Creative Expressions

๐Ÿ‘จ๐Ÿผโ€๐Ÿซ Just announced! Cohort #3 of my Video Mojo Creativity Sandbox will start Monday, November 27th. This three-week creative adventure is designed to move your creative practice, in any medium, into a higher, more active gear. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

If you've got a creative hunger that you're not feeding, consider this a call to reactivate it through the power of community supported by my expert guidance and inspiration. ๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธ Learn more including watching a couple of testimonial videos here or get the details here.

Please like, subscribe, comment, and/or follow, etc. That really helps!
โ€‹Gratefully yours!
Jon Leland
โ€‹Media pioneer, creator, ComBridges.comโ€‹

66 Via Holon, #11, Greenbrae, California 94904
โ€‹Unsubscribe ยท Preferencesโ€‹

AI Creativity Consultant & Evangelist, Video Expert

I am a passionate advocate for "Video Mojo" which I believe has the power to supercharge your marketing through human vitality & the implementation of innovative technologies. I'm also a trendspotter and wildly creative. :-) Besides being quite active on TikTok and other social media, I am the host/producer of the Video Mojo video podcast. I'm very open to collaborations. Let's talk.

Read more from AI Creativity Consultant & Evangelist, Video Expert

Major Misconception: creating with AI is just a one-and-done thing where you push a button and get a result. Not true! For example, as documented below, this sensational music video is entirely AI-generated (including the music) and it took at least 9 different apps to achieve the artist's vision. I'm fascinated by creating images and videos using AI and realize that most people hardly know what's happening in this explosive new creativity arena. Just in the image generation realm, there are...

AI Arnie, my virtual intern, alter ego, synthetic self, has evolved. He's excited about helping me to be more consistent in generating valuable content for y'all. Conjured with MidJourney Arnie is also encouraging me to release my inner artist. While playing in the AI Salon (free virtual community), I used a minimal prompt and iterative process to conjure this new piece of AI generative art: Conjured with MidJourney Do you see more impatience or perseverance or something else in her...

Here's what it looks like to PLAY creatively with AI. As imperfect as it is, using AI, I generated this cartoon story in less than 15 minutes (no joke). If you embrace its jankiness, I think you'll agree that it successfully illustrates the power of my upcoming Exploratorium creative community. Yes? FYI, my creative collaborator on this cartoon was a new AI app, WebSim that leverages the power of Anthropic's Claude, the ChatGPT competitor discussed in last week's email. What have you created...