🌈 You’re Doing A.I. All Wrong! Here’s a More Creative Approach. 🌟

Most people have no idea how creative A.I. can be. πŸ‘¨πŸΌβ€πŸŽ¨
The world is changing at an insane rate. πŸ€ͺ Are you ready?

πŸ‘¨πŸΌβ€πŸ« In the new Video Mojo, you will learn why you're probably doing AI all wrong and why the creativity opportunities offered by AI may be greater than you think. 😎

πŸ€– Dive into the future of A.I. and creativity with German journalist, speaker, and storyteller, Richard Gutjahr and myself as we journey through common misconceptions about A.I. and (hopefully) inspire you to get onboard. πŸ—£οΈ

Lip-synched Video Translations Are Just One of the New Dimensions of A.I.

🀯 πŸ‘‡ I gave it a test. See what you think. πŸ‘‡ 🫣


I recorded this video in English, as usual. I don't speak German.
Looks and sounds real, doesn't it? AI-generated translation by
Richard Gutjahr said my German was "almost perfect."

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Gratefully yours!

Jon Leland
​Media pioneer, creator, ComBridges.com​

66 Via Holon, #11, Greenbrae, California 94904
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AI Creativity Consultant & Evangelist, Video Expert

I am a passionate advocate for "Video Mojo" which I believe has the power to supercharge your marketing through human vitality & the implementation of innovative technologies. I'm also a trendspotter and wildly creative. :-) Besides being quite active on TikTok and other social media, I am the host/producer of the Video Mojo video podcast. I'm very open to collaborations. Let's talk.

Read more from AI Creativity Consultant & Evangelist, Video Expert

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